Our Mission:
“The mission of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”
We seek to fulfill this mission by planning and participating in vital ministries which will encourage and support each and every person to grow within the opportunities of Nurture and Education, Mission and Outreach, Worship and Witness, and Fellowship and Prayer. We invited you to join us as we continue to grow in Christ.
We Believe...
... in a commitment to Jesus Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit;
... in the Bible as the living and Holy word of God;
... that God’s Grace is His loving action and He loves each and every one of us as well as all creation;
... God offers forgiveness and can change hearts when we admit our sins, repent of them and choose to follow Him;
... that Faith and Good Works go together;
... in the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper just as Christ did;
... Community, and Social Consciousness which goes hand in hand with our Faith.
If you would like to know more about what we believe, click here.
Our History
Ripley First United Methodist Church began in 1836 when Joseph Wardlaw donated some land on which to build a church for friends and family. Over the years we’ve seen many changes in the church building, from a log structure to a frame building, then to brick, and finally to stone. In 1964 the Education Wing was built. The sanctuary burned in 1980, and in 1982 the stone structure was rebuilt.
Several services which began in the 70's continue today...Lenten Prayer Breakfasts, Christmas Eve Communion, and the Flowering of the Cross on Easter Sunday. Our numbers have grown some years, declined others. Four words which capture the best qualities of our congregation are "Welcoming, Giving, Loving, and Working". We still remain a dedicated family of faith. We work for the Glory of God to be witnesses to the loving and healing powers of God who offers hope, strength, and peace to our community.